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Article published in Euromoto magazine in 2007.

A mini continent on the African continent: Morocco represents a journey in many ways. The first, the not simple ease of reaching it despite being in the northern part of Africa; the second for the multiple situations, geographical and ethnic conditions. Last aspect, but certainly not to be underestimated, a variety of roads so fascinating as to satisfy even the most demanding motorbike tourist.

Read the story published in the magazine.

Morocco has always been considered an extreme country. In the early centuries of the Arab-Islamic civilization it was known as Al-Maghreb al-Aqsa, literally translated as "the farthest land where the sun sets", referring to its position at the western end of North Africa. Ancient navigators, medieval conquerors and modern colonizers have tried for centuries to subdue this distant land, but the rugged territory and its proud tribesmen resist. Despite having absorbed the influences of some European, African and Arab cultures, Morocco remains an absolutely unique country. And it is certainly the thing that most impresses the visitor the enormous variety of situations that can be encountered even in a short trip, highlighting the differences between the majestic imperial cities and the countryside areas where life flows at more natural rhythms and mild, between the imposing mountain ranges that cut across the northern part of the country, creating truly extraordinary climatic and cultural differentiations and the desert area that dominates the southern and eastern part of the country.

"Allahu akbar, Allahu akbar .... Ashhadu an la Ilah illa Allah ... .. Ashhadu an Mohammedan rasul Allah .... Haya ala as-sala .... Haya ala as-sala ...."

God is great, God is great ... .. there is no other God but Allah ... ... Mohammed is his prophet ... .Come pray ... come pray ... ..

The call to prayer is probably of all the sounds that attack the ears of the tourist, the one that strikes the most, for frequency and suggestion. Five times a day, day and night, Muslims are called, if not to enter a mosque, at least to stop and pray wherever they are. The collective Friday prayer is considered the most important of the week. Islam shares its roots with the great monotheistic religions that arose in the Middle East, Judaism and Christianity, although younger than the other two. The holy book of Islam is the Koran. In its pages there are very frequent references to characters that appear in the sacred texts of both the oldest religions, such as Abraham, Noah, Jesus, Adam, Moses, all considered prophets, of which the last is Muhammad, in Arabic Muhammad, “Seal of the prophets”. For Muslims, therefore, Islam represents the pinnacle of monotheistic religions. Traditionally, Muslims have great respect for Christians and Jews, called ahl al-kitab, "people of the book". The Koran admits that the Bible (therefore also the Torah of the Jews and the Gospel of Christians) is a previous revelation of God. Islam with the Koran, would therefore represent the subsequent logical evolution and the definitive revelation.

Well yes, I admit, I had never been to Morocco, a serious lack, a kind of black hole in a travel table that is in some respects enviable, but certainly improved, which now includes in the list several locations, states, countries, even continents: “A gap to be filled quickly” I decide upon returning from Patagonia. A quick program, a quick consultation and documentation about the place, a jumble of dates, the lucky coincidence of hearing Eligio from "Mototouring", met a few months earlier in Buenos Aires and here the trip is there, ready, all road, with the Varadero ready for the umpteenth kilometric bucking to reach the African continent. In the end it will be a soft experience, joined to a group of Americans, but with absolute freedom of action and decision. Positive experience, perhaps a bit fast, but certainly to be further investigated in the near future. It must be said that, even for those who know the country well, Morocco is changing rapidly, continuously targeting tourism which is one of the most important items for the economy of this North African state. Large and beautiful paved roads allow you to quickly and panoramically reach the most beautiful and fascinating places, shortening and simplifying movements and allowing almost all types of vehicles to reach the main tourist resorts, from the spectacular Atlas gorges, to the oases in the first offshoots of the desert. Of course, purists will regret the hours of dirt road riding their motorcycles to cross the gorges du Dades, but if we consider that the asphalt is conquering much more lonely and desolate "pieces of the world", we can say that it can also be there. There is no doubt that, now it is really easy to be able to admire and get to know, even in just 2 weeks, an extraordinary country that certainly makes variety and differences its main weapon. The imperial cities are of rare beauty, fascinating, engaging, with Fes towering above the others, the only Medina where traffic is allowed only to pedestrians and animals. But it is probably the variety of climate, altitude, flora, fauna and populations that surprises the traveler the most: it has often happened to me during the journey that I am amazed by the sudden and spectacular changes of the landscape and the incredible panoramas that make the Morocco the country with the most varied scenarios in the whole of North Africa and certainly one of the most stimulating of all.

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