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Pony ExpressUSA


Pony Express

The articles were published in in Speciali di Motociclismo magazines (2002), Motociclismo (2002) and Superwheels (2006).

Ride alone in one of the most suggestive and photogenic parts of the world, the southwestern United States crossing the deserts of California and Nevada to arrive in one of the areas with the highest concentration of national parks in the world. What do we do, let's go?

Read the story published in the Speciali di motociclismo magazine.

Article published in Motociclismo magazine.

Article published in Superwheels magazine.

The dream continues. The hated and loved Los Angeles to be the basis for this umpteenth binge of miles. The Californian deserts, the sierras, the crossing of Nevada, to arrive in what is called, rightly I would add, a real photographic paradise, the nirvana of the shot: the parks of the South-West. Everyone, absolutely everyone, had magnified me about this part of North America.


Even simple European travelers I met a little everywhere during my North American pilgrimage agreed: "Because it's so different !!"

"What the fuck will that be?" I can consider myself lucky to have been able to admire and attend various shows of nature, especially in recent years, but to refer to a very famous television advertisement aimed at those who stupidly live in the belief that they have already seen everything or almost, the surprise is behind the corner, just to make you look stupid again.

This is the story of about 6 weeks, traveled by following for long stretches some of the most desolate, suggestive and fascinating areas of the States.

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